I have some problems when i try to run a AVD in "eclipse - android'. I know there are other questions on stackoverflow just like this, but i have tried different kind of solutions without any luck. I keep getting the error message:

Starting emulator for AVD 'test'
PANIC: Could not open: test

I have tried creating an environment variable (ANDROID_SDK_HOME) and set a "string substitution" (user.home) And obviously, i have also tried reinstalling and so on.

Any suggestions on how to fix this?


2 回答 2


Regarding AVD issues, I always recommend giving a try to Genymotion, it's by far the fastest android emulator I've ever worked with.

于 2013-10-11T21:17:55.580 回答

I have encountered such a problem too. My solution is to create an environment variable (ANDROID_SDK_HOME) and set it as the user home directory (for my computer it's D:\Users\Bill).

于 2013-11-23T11:15:42.840 回答