我需要excel的vba代码。我正在检查 A1、B7、C9 是否为空 onclick。
“Do my stuff”
Sub tgr()
Dim CheckCell As Range
For Each CheckCell In Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1,B7,C9").Cells
If Len(Trim(CheckCell.Value)) = 0 Then
MsgBox "Cell " & CheckCell.Address(0, 0) & " is empty. Click OK and populate it.", , "Missing Information"
Exit Sub
End If
Next CheckCell
'All cells filled, code to Do My Stuff goes here
MsgBox "Do my stuff", , "Continue macro"
End Sub
如果您关心单元格是否真的为空,则需要对 Value 属性使用 IsEmpty 函数。对于具有单个撇号的单元格或返回空字符串的函数,这将返回 false。
Public Function CellsAreEmpty(ParamArray aCells() As Variant) As Boolean
Dim vItm As Variant
Dim bReturn As Boolean
bReturn = True
For Each vItm In aCells
bReturn = bReturn And IsEmpty(vItm.Value)
Next vItm
CellsAreEmpty = bReturn
End Function
Sub TestCells()
If CellsAreEmpty(Range("A1"), Range("B7"), Range("C9")) Then
Debug.Print "Do stuff"
Debug.Print " is so so so cell is empty click ok to fill it"
End If
End Sub
下面的代码将检查 sheet1- Range A1, B7, c9 。
Sub checkEmptyCells()
With ThisWorkbook.Sheets("sheet1")
If (Len(.Range("A1")) = 0) Then
MsgBox "Cell A1 is empty. Click ok to fill"
Exit Sub
ElseIf (Len(.Range("B7")) = 0) Then
MsgBox "Cell B7 is empty. Click ok to fill"
Exit Sub
ElseIf (Len(.Range("C9")) = 0) Then
MsgBox "Cell C9 is empty. Click ok to fill"
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Do my stuff"
Exit Sub
End If
End With
End Sub
如果您更喜欢使用非 vba 解决方案,那么您可以使用条件格式。它不会给出消息框,但会在单元格为空白时突出显示它们。