iOS 7 采用了一种新手势,在屏幕上从左到右滑动作为 UINavigationController 中返回按钮的快捷方式。
我的应用似乎没有免费采用这种行为。我需要做什么才能使这个手势可用于我的 iOS 应用程序(在 Xcode 4.6.3 中为 iOS 5.1 和更高版本构建)?
这是一篇带视频的文章,从用户的角度来看,您想了解的 iOS 7 中的新手势。
iOS 7 采用了一种新手势,在屏幕上从左到右滑动作为 UINavigationController 中返回按钮的快捷方式。
我的应用似乎没有免费采用这种行为。我需要做什么才能使这个手势可用于我的 iOS 应用程序(在 Xcode 4.6.3 中为 iOS 5.1 和更高版本构建)?
这是一篇带视频的文章,从用户的角度来看,您想了解的 iOS 7 中的新手势。
It should work automatically if the back button is visible. If you are displaying a leftBarButtonItem instead of the back button, the gesture will not be present by default. Also, if you are using a UINavigationBar but not a UINavigationController, you won't see this functionality.
If you are using a UINavigationController and your view controller's navigation item contains a leftBarButtonItem, it's still possible to add functionality for the swipe left to right gesture of the navigation controller, by attaching a delegate to the navigation controller's interactivePopGestureRecognizer.
EDIT: I didn't notice that you're building against SDK 5.1. This is a new feature in the iOS 7 SDK, so I believe you'll need to build with Xcode 5 against the iOS 7 SDK in order to make use of the new feature.
您需要继承 UINavigationController 并在其中实现“UIGestureRecognizerDelegate”协议,并在 viewDidLoad 上添加一些代码,请参见下面的代码
@interface CBNavigationController : UINavigationController @end
@implementation CBNavigationController
(void)viewDidLoad { __weak CBNavigationController *weakSelf = self;
if ([self respondsToSelector:@selector(interactivePopGestureRecognizer)]) { self.interactivePopGestureRecognizer.delegate = weakSelf; } }