我将vdshb提供的解决方案改编为 Spring JPA 存储库的较新版本。还添加了一些可能出现在您的企业应用程序中的常见字段。
public abstract class BasicEntity {
protected Integer id;
protected boolean active = true;
@Column(updatable = false, nullable = false)
protected OffsetDateTime createdDate;
@Column(nullable = false)
protected OffsetDateTime modifiedDate;
protected String createdBy = Constants.SYSTEM_USER;
protected String modifiedBy = Constants.SYSTEM_USER;
public interface BasicRepository<T extends BasicEntity, ID extends Integer> extends JpaRepository<T, ID> {
@Transactional(readOnly = true)
@Query("select e from #{#entityName} e where e.active = true")
List<T> findAll();
@Transactional(readOnly = true)
@Query("select e from #{#entityName} e where e.active = true and e.id = ?1")
Optional<T> findById(ID id);
@Transactional(readOnly = true)
@Query("select e from #{#entityName} e where e.id in ?1 and e.active = true")
List<T> findAllById(Iterable<ID> ids);
@Transactional(readOnly = true)
@Query("select e from #{#entityName} e where e.id = ?1 and e.active = true")
T getOne(ID id);
//Look up deleted entities
@Query("select e from #{#entityName} e where e.active = false")
@Transactional(readOnly = true)
List<T> findAllInactive();
@Transactional(readOnly = true)
@Query("select count(e) from #{#entityName} e where e.active = true")
long count();
@Transactional(readOnly = true)
default boolean existsById(ID id) {
return getOne(id) != null;
default void deleteById(ID id) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
default void delete(T entity) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
default void deleteAll(Iterable<? extends T> entities) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
default void deleteAll() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* Soft deletes entity in the database.
* It will not appear in the result set of default queries.
* @param id of the entity for deactivation
* @param modifiedBy who modified this entity
* @return deactivated entity with fetched fields
* @throws IncorrectConditionException when the entity is already deactivated.
* @throws NotFoundException when the entity is not found in the database.
default T deactivate(ID id, String modifiedBy) throws IncorrectConditionException {
final T entity = findById(id)
.orElseThrow(() -> new NotFoundException(
String.format("Entity with ID [%s] wasn't found in the database. " +
"Nothing to deactivate.", id)));
if (!entity.isActive()) {
throw new IncorrectConditionException(String.format("Entity with ID [%s] is already deactivated.", id));
return save(entity);
* Activates soft deleted entity in the database.
* @param id of the entity for reactivation
* @param modifiedBy who modified this entity
* @return updated entity with fetched fields
* @throws IncorrectConditionException when the entity is already activated.
* @throws NotFoundException when the entity is not found in the database.
default T reactivate(ID id, String modifiedBy) throws IncorrectConditionException {
final T entity = findById(id)
.orElseThrow(() -> new NotFoundException(
String.format("Entity with ID [%s] wasn't found in the database. " +
"Nothing to reactivate.", id)));
if (entity.isActive()) {
throw new IncorrectConditionException(String.format("Entity with ID [%s] is already active.", id));
return save(entity);