可以用另一个 GCD 调度替换同步块吗?
可以用另一个 GCD 调度替换同步块吗?
是的,您可以使用另一个 GCD 调度来代替同步块。这样做的“GCD 方式”是使用串行队列序列化对共享资源的所有访问。因此,任何时候需要访问共享资源,您都可以将该代码(使用任一dispatch_sync()
Thread-safe is about making mutable shared state either immutable, or unshared. In this case, synchronize
and serial queues are ways to temporarily unshare (prevent concurrent access), and both are valid.
However, consider the case where you have disjoint sets of related info inside the same object. For example, a bill with 1) parts of an address (city, street, etc), and 2) price, taxes, discount. Both need to be protected to avoid inconsistent state (object A sets a new street, while object B reads the old city and the new street), but both are unrelated. In this case, you should use the lower level of granularity to avoid blocks between unrelated code.
So a rule would be: don't use synchronize on unrelated sets of variables inside the same object, because it would cause unneeded blocks between them. You can use a queue + synchronize, or a queue per set, but not synchronized on both sets.
The key is that synchronize
refers to the one and only intrinsic lock of the object, and that token can only be held by once. It accomplishes the same goal as if you routed all related code through one queue, except that you can have multiple queues (and thus, lower granularity), but only one intrinsic lock.
Back to your example. Assuming that the object is documented as “state X is protected by synchronize
”, the use of synchronize
inside the queue is useful to block related methods that could access that same state. So maybe queue and synchronized are protecting different things, or the serial queue is there to perform a different task.
Another reason to prefer a queue is to write a more sophisticated pattern like a read-write lock. Example:
NSMutableDictionary *_dic = [NSMutableDictionary new];
dispatch_queue_t _queue = dispatch_queue_create("com.concurrent.queue", DISPATCH_QUEUE_CONCURRENT);
- (id) objectForKey:(id)key
__block obj;
dispatch_sync(_queue, ^{
obj = [_dic objectForKey: key];
return obj;
- (void) setObject:(id)obj forKey:(id)key
// exclusive access while writing
dispatch_barrier_async(_queue, ^{
[_dic setObject:obj forKey:key];
如果有很多线程,您就知道每个线程都会轮到对象。一个典型的情况是,当您异步执行 CoreData 导入时,您必须 @synchronized 上下文或存储协调器。