function doGet() {
var app = UiApp.createApplication().setTitle('DHS: Kurzweil Calendar');
//Create stack panel
var stackPanel = app.createStackPanel().setSize('100%', '100%');
var info = about(app);
var p1 = app.createVerticalPanel().setId('vrtPanel1').add(info);
var cal = calendar(app);
var p2 = app.createVerticalPanel().setId('vrtPanel2').add(cal);
var form = formBuild(app);
var p3 = app.createVerticalPanel().setId('vrtPanel3').add(form);
//add widgets to each stack panel, and name the stack panel
stackPanel.add(p1, 'About the Lab');
stackPanel.add(p2, 'Lab Calendar');
stackPanel.add(p3, 'Lab Scheduling');
//Add the panel to the application
return app;
function about(app){
return app.createHTML('<br />' +
'<p>The Kurzweil Lab at Davie High School supports <i>20 independent student workstations</i> and is designed for the specific use of Kurzweil software. The lab\'s main objective is to support students who have a Read-Aloud accommodation on their Individual Education Plan (IEP). If a student does not have a Read-Aloud accommodation, but has another accommodation like: Separate Setting, Extended Time, or English as a Second Language (ESL) then they are welcome in the lab as long as the lab is not full. If the lab reaches capacity and Read-Aloud students need to use Kurzweil, the student(s) without a Read-Aloud accommodation or who are refusing their Read-Aloud accommodation will be asked to go back to their classroom so that the teacher can make other arrangements for that student.</p>' +
'<p>During non-testing situations the Kurzweil Lab can be scheduled by EC teachers to help with study skills, individual projects, or other work that requires the use of a computer lab.</p>', true);
function calendar(app){
// Create Data Source
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openById('0Aur3owCpuUY-dGJIOGZ1LXhqT2FNMGVXSGNJazFnUmc');
var datasource = ss.getSheetByName('Schedule').getRange(1,1,ss.getLastRow(),ss.getLastColumn());
// Create Charts and Controls
var dateFilter = Charts.newCategoryFilter()
var teacherFilter = Charts.newCategoryFilter()
var subjectFilter = Charts.newCategoryFilter()
var periodFilter = Charts.newCategoryFilter()
var typeFilter = Charts.newCategoryFilter()
var tableChart = Charts.newTableChart().build();
//Create and bind Dashboard
var dashboard = Charts.newDashboardPanel()
.bind([dateFilter, teacherFilter, subjectFilter, periodFilter, typeFilter], [tableChart])
//Create Application
//Add the panel to the application
return app;