I have a legacy application which I am slowly converting to composer, and am writing a new database layer for. This database layer is PSR-0 compatible. The application is split into back and front end, and I am writing common classes for the DB layer so it is more DRY.

In my composer.json for the front end project I have this:

"autoload": {
        "psr-0": {
            "CompanyName": "_classes/"

where the CompanyName folder in _classes is in fact a symlink to the analogous folder in the back end project.

This causes the autoloading to fail.

It worked perfectly when it was

"autoload": {
        "psr-0": {
            "CompanyName": "../otherProject/_classes/"

but failed when put a symlink in this projects _classes folder.

I need the symlink to work because i do not want to hard code the other projects web folder name into composer.json, as I now have testing versions of both which have different folder names.


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ln -sf /web/otherProject/_classes/CompanyName /web/project/_classes/CompanyName


于 2013-10-12T13:38:21.443 回答