I'm currently working on a mapping project using the Google Maps JavaScript API.

But my application will be much more advanced then showing a single map and will eventually show multiple map "views" as well as options to manipulate the map using forms on the page.

I have used a couple different HTML 5 JavaScript frameworks such as Backbone.js, Angular.js as well as Ember.js for other projects but nothing has worked well with Google Maps.

I'm wondering if anyone would recommend using a particular JavaScript framework for working with Google Maps JavaScript v3 API. Preferably something with an active plugin/module for Google Maps would work best. I have created my own special views in Backbone for Google Maps but it does not work as "well" as I want it to.

If you have a suggestion to use a different mapping API, other than GMaps, I would love to hear about it too.


4 回答 4


还有一个ember-leaflet proyect,看起来很有趣,但我还没有尝过。




于 2013-10-11T17:50:41.147 回答


  1. EmberJS + 传单 http://gabesmed.github.io/ember-leaflet/
  2. AngularJS + 传单 http://tombatossals.github.io/angular-leaflet-directive/#!/
  3. AngularJS + 谷歌地图 http://nlaplante.github.io/angular-google-maps/#!/usage

我决定将 AngularJS 或 EmberJS 与 Leaflet 一起使用,因为 Leaflet API 比 Google Maps API 更强大。(海事组织)

于 2013-10-18T18:08:39.440 回答

不是 Google 地图解决方案,但您说您希望了解其他可能的地图解决方案。好吧,ArcGIS 有一个 Javascript API https://developers.arcgis.com/en/javascript/直接与 Dojo javascript 框架耦合,尽管它们也有一个 API 的轻量级版本,仍然运行在一个精简的dojo 的版本,但更旨在允许与其他 JS 框架集成。


于 2013-10-11T14:48:43.337 回答

我支持 ember-传单的建议。您可以通过传单使用任何您想要的地图提供者。

于 2013-10-12T22:21:07.060 回答