我对Web开发很陌生,我遇到了以下我不太明白的问题。使用 Visual Basic 在 VS2010 中工作。


每当用户勾选一个框时,我都会使用 AJAX 调用从服务器检索一些值(这是我第一次尝试 AJAX :-)),并使用这些值填充所选行的“操作”列中的下拉列表。到目前为止,一切都很好。





编辑:一些代码;第一个 javascript-snippet 我如何添加通过 AJAX 调用检索到的不同值:

var drop = row.findElement("ddlAction"); //find the dropdownelement in the DOM
for (j = 0; j < dropdownitems.length; j++) { //add all the options from xml
     option = document.createElement("option");
     option.text = dropdownitems[i].getAttribute("text");
     option.value = dropdownitems[i].getAttribute("value");
     drop.add(option, null);


Dim SelCount As Integer = LocalFilesGrid.SelectedItems.Count
If SelCount >= 0 Then
   For Each dataItem In LocalFilesGrid.SelectedItems
       Dim drop As DropDownList
       drop = dataItem.FindControl("ddlAction")
       If drop.Items.Count = 0 Then 'always zero
       End If
End If



1 回答 1


When you mix such different technologies you will end up in troubles like this. What you are trying to do is bit of Ajax and a bit of ASP.NET. Choose one and then use it. If you choose ASP.NET instead of AJAX call use UpdatePanel which will simplify your life.

If you want to Ajax stuff your self, then handle the button click and submit the request by ajax rather than postback.

The reason why you are able to retrieve the drop down but not the items because you must have declared the drop down in aspx but the items were added on client side, so server has no knowledge about the items.

The reason is ASP.NET uses view state and you can not mess with view state. So you can add the data to hidden field and read them at server but you can not write the data in view state.

The best way is use ASP.NET with UpdatePanels. If you mix, then you will have to keep doing some sort of trick at every step. If you want to do your own Ajax stuff better use MVC and Razor(not mvc with aspx) because it is made for such use.

于 2013-10-11T14:39:03.507 回答