我们必须git remote add origin http://...避免重复输入实际源代码库路径。但是怎么样git subtree --prefix=...?每次拉/推子树内容时,很难跟踪、记住和不稳定的键入前缀路径。



1 回答 1


There was a contrib done to address writing to a config file that was not part of the original contrib that added subtrees.

Here's a blog about it: Blog about git subtree (with config)

And here's where it was contributed on github.

I recommend if you get that branch that you merge the latest from the main github subtree contrib.

In general, I think this is a good approach. Subtrees are still evolving, and this is one of the missing links. I'd like to also see the last commit id being recorded this way and deprecate the old way of using --rejoin to detect where to start the next split from.

于 2014-03-06T06:48:26.493 回答