I am testing out XSL-FO with a FO-processor for .NET. The FOP i am using is Ecrion.

If i have a table being populated by dynamic data from a data source on page 1 and beneath that table there is another static table on the same page. I want the dynamic table to continue on the next page if it stretches down to the static one (because of the number of items in the list that populates the table).

The behavior that I'm getting is that the dynamic table pushes down the static one resulting it to be rendered after the last row on the next page.

My question is: How can I make the layout behave so that the dynamic table (placed first on page 1, right before the static table) continues on the next page without pushing the static table down with it?

I have made som mocks that describes what I want and what I actually get:

This picture describes the behavior that I demand: What i want

And this picture describes the behavior that i get: enter image description here


2 回答 2




于 2013-10-12T06:26:46.970 回答

您可以将包含静态数据的表格放在页脚区域而不是正文区域。创建一个包含静态数据的页脚,并创建一个使用此页脚的 page-sequence-master。这样您就可以在普通页面(页脚中没有表格)和特殊页面(页脚中有表格)之间切换。

于 2013-10-11T11:43:24.093 回答