I am using MongoDB in my symfony project. For communication to the database, i am using either Document Manager and MongoClient.
What i intend to do is to batch insert an array directly into the database. I've made attempt of creating array and fill it. However when i execute batchInsert(), i get this exception
no documents given
Very confusing because according to the manual, the exception thrown if the inserted array is empty. I've made sure and just tried many times that the array i was inserting is not empty. This is my piece of code:
$dm = $this->getContainer()->get('doctrine_mongodb');
echo "initiating... \n";
$data = $dm->getRepository("KahviDocumentBundle:Suppliers")->findAll();
$children = array();
echo "fetched\n";
echo "\n".count($data)."\n";
$items = array();
foreach ($data as $row) {
foreach ($row->getValue()->getConsigneeName() as $consignee) {
$items[] = array(
'id' => Util\Util::slugify($consignee),
'name' => $consignee,
'data' => array(
'band' => $row->getValue()->getShipperName(),
'relation' => 'Buyer of band'
// echo $row->getValue()->getShipperName()."\n";
echo "items collected\n".count($items)."\n";
foreach ($items as &$item) {
$parent = $item['data'];
$children[Util\Util::slugify($parent['band'])][] = &$item;
foreach ($items as &$item) {
if (isset($children[$item['id']])) {
$item['children'] = $children[$item['id']];
// die();
echo "start deleting\n";
$mongo = new \MongoClient('mongodb://');
$db = $mongo->selectDB('dbname');
// print_r($db);
$collection = $db->the_collection;
// print_r($collection);
$response = $collection->drop();
echo "finished\n";
// die();
echo "starting recording\n";
$newCollection = $db->createCollection(
'capped' => true,
'size' => 1024*1024,
'max' => 10
echo "children count ".count($children)."\n";
$trees = array();
foreach ($children as $key => $child) {
$test = array(
'id' => $key,
'name' => $key,
'children' => is_array($child) ? $child : array()
$serialized = serialize($test);
$trees[] = $serialized;
// echo $serialized."\n";
// die();
// $dm->getManager()->flush();
echo "finished\n";