这只是我第二次处理 MIPS 程序集(即或任何类型的程序集),所以请保持温和。所以我从头开始为 MIPS 做了一个乘法函数。这比我想象的要容易——我测试了它,它完美地适用于一个值。不幸的是,当数组出现时,我完全迷失了。
A.) 将常量值(例如 5,2,3,10,7)加载到数组中。
B.) 让我的外循环开始。
Name: MrPickl3
Date: October 10, 2013
Purpose: Program creates a multiply function from scratch. Uses two arrays to
test the program.
#include <xc.h>
. data
X: .space 80
Y: .space 80
N: .space 4
MAC_ACC .word 0x00000000
.globl main
li t0, 0x00000000 //i = 0
li t1, 0x00000005 //Offset of array
li t2, MAC_ACC //Mac_acc (i.e. product register)
lw t9, 0(t2) //Refers to MAC_ACC's data
la t3, X //Address of X[0]
lw t4, 0(t3) //Data of X
la t5, Y //Address of Y[0]
lw t6, 0(t5) //Data of Y
addiu t0, t0, 4 //i++
//t4 = x[i]
//t6 = y[i]
//t7 = counter
beq t6, 0, loop //Check if y = 0. Go to loop, if so.
andi t7, t6, 1 /*We want to know the nearest power of two.
We can mask the last bit to
test whether or not there is a power of two
left in the multiplier.*/
beq t7, 0, shift //If last bit is zero, shift
addu t9, t9, t4 //Add multiplicand to product
sll t3, t3, 1 //Multiply x[i] by 2
srl t4, t4, 1 //Multiply y[i] by 2
j lab2_done
.end main
X_INPUT: .word 5,2,3,10,7
Y_INPUT: .word 6,0,8,1,2
N_INPUT: .word 5