在使用 C# 的 Windows Phone 应用程序中,我试图反序列化具有以下结构的一些 JSON:

[ { "kite" : { "supplier" : "ABC",
        "currency" : "GBP",
        "cost" : "7.98"
      } },
  { "puzzle" : { "supplier" : "DEF",
        "currency" : "USD",
        "cost" : "7.98"
      } },
  { "ball" : { "supplier" : "DEF",
        "currency" : "USD",
        "cost" : "5.49"
      } }

这是事先不知道玩具名称(风筝、拼图、球)的玩具清单。我无法控制 JSON 的格式。

使用 json2csharp.com 我得到以下类:

public class Kite
    public string supplier { get; set; }
    public string currency { get; set; }
    public string cost { get; set; }

public class Puzzle

public class Ball

public class RootObject
    public Kite kite { get; set; }
    public Puzzle puzzle { get; set; }
    public Ball ball { get; set; }



var root = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(rawJSON);


public class Toy
    public string supplier { get; set; }
    public string currency { get; set; }
    public string cost { get; set; }
List<Toy> toyList = (List<Toy>) JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(rawJSON, typeof(List<Toy>));



1 回答 1


你很亲密。如果您Toy在问题中定义类,则可以反序列化为List<Dictionary<string, Toy>>. 因此,每个玩具实际上都由 a 表示,其中Dictionary有一个条目。Key是玩具的名称,是Value信息Toy

string json = @"
[ { ""kite"" : { ""supplier"" : ""ABC"",
        ""currency"" : ""GBP"",
        ""cost"" : ""7.98""
      } },
  { ""puzzle"" : { ""supplier"" : ""DEF"",
        ""currency"" : ""USD"",
        ""cost"" : ""7.98""
      } },
  { ""ball"" : { ""supplier"" : ""DEF"",
        ""currency"" : ""USD"",
        ""cost"" : ""5.49""
      } }

List<Dictionary<string, Toy>> list = 
       JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<Dictionary<string, Toy>>>(json);

foreach (Dictionary<string, Toy> dict in list)
    KeyValuePair<string, Toy> kvp = dict.First();
    Console.WriteLine("toy: " + kvp.Key);
    Console.WriteLine("supplier: " + kvp.Value.Supplier);
    Console.WriteLine("cost: " + kvp.Value.Cost + " (" + kvp.Value.Currency + ")");


toy: kite
supplier: ABC
cost: 7.98 (GBP)

toy: puzzle
supplier: DEF
cost: 7.98 (USD)

toy: ball
supplier: DEF
cost: 5.49 (USD)

诚然,这个解决方案有点“笨拙”,因为最好将玩具的名称包含在Toy类本身中,而不是有一个Dictionary偶然的干预。有两种方法可以解决此问题。一种方法是Name在类上添加一个属性Toy,反序列化为如上所示的相同结构,然后进行一些后期处理,将每个名称中的名称移动Dictionary到相应的 中,在此过程中Toy构建一个新List<Toy>的。第二种方法是创建一个自定义JsonConverter来在反序列化期间处理此转换。如果您愿意,我很乐意展示这些替代方法中的任何一种。让我知道。如果您只需要快速和肮脏,那么上述方法应该可以。

使用自定义 JsonConverter 的替代方法



class Toy
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Supplier { get; set; }
    public string Currency { get; set; }
    public decimal Cost { get; set; }


class ToyConverter : JsonConverter
    public override bool CanConvert(Type objectType)
        // This lets JSON.Net know that this converter can handle Toy objects
        return (objectType == typeof(Toy));

    public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, 
        Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer)
        // load the toy JSON object into a JObject
        JObject jo = JObject.Load(reader);

        // get the first (and only) property of the object
        JProperty prop = jo.Properties().First();

        // deserialize the value of that property (which is another
        // object containing supplier and cost info) into a Toy instance
        Toy toy = prop.Value.ToObject<Toy>();

        // get the name of the property and add it to the newly minted toy
        toy.Name = prop.Name;

        return toy;

    public override void WriteJson(JsonWriter writer, 
        object value, JsonSerializer serializer)
        // If you need to serialize Toys back into JSON, then you'll need
        // to implement this method.  We can skip it for now.
        throw new NotImplementedException();

要使用转换器,我们只需要创建它的一个实例并将其传递给DeserializeObject<T>(). 现在我们有了这个转换器,我们可以直接反序列化为 a List<Toy>,这更加自然。

List<Toy> toys = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<Toy>>(json, new ToyConverter());


foreach (Toy toy in toys)
    Console.WriteLine("toy: " + toy.Name);
    Console.WriteLine("supplier: " + toy.Supplier);
    Console.WriteLine("cost: " + toy.Cost + " (" + toy.Currency + ")");


于 2013-10-10T23:01:18.130 回答