I am trying to replicate a page http://www.haylockpittman.co.uk/ onto http://www.haylockpittman.co.uk/new-refurb-publish/ but it can't get the images at the top to align correctly. They call a div id 'outer' for the sizing but it appears correctly on te home page and not on the new page. How can I change it so it calls the correct code on the new page without messing up the original page. Thanks in advance.


2 回答 2


Images have a diffrent class applied to them, causing resizing issue and the div is 600px instead of 400. I would change the page template to match all used classes/ids for all elements and make sure they are the same for both the homepage and this subpage.

于 2013-10-10T21:33:10.880 回答

Wordpress adds a series of utilities classes to your <body> tag; in your case the CSS targets .home #outer while the second page you linked is not the home page and is added other css classes. In order to make this work, you can change your css (style.css::976) selector from

.home #outer


.page #outer

this will target both your pages (as your home gets the page class as well). You can decide a different selector, perhaps just #outer, if you want to make sure that it will work also on articles.

That really depends on your goal.

于 2013-10-10T21:58:14.033 回答