我一直在尝试为 CFFI 绑定构建一个 lispy 接口(https://gitorious.org/dh-misc/hdf5/source/cb616fd619a387e3cdc927994b9ad12b6b514236 :) 但我遇到了代码在具有 SBCL 的 SLIME 中正确运行的情况实例作为后端,但每当我在 SBCL 中运行代码时都不会运行。
(asdf:load-system :cffi)
;;(asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op :cffi)
(defpackage :hdf5test
(:use :cl :cffi)
(:export :test))
(in-package :hdf5test)
(define-foreign-library hdf5
(t (:default "libhdf5")))
(use-foreign-library hdf5)
;; hdf types:
(defctype size-t :uint)
(defctype hid-t :int)
(defctype herr-t :int)
(defctype hsize-t :uint64)
;; hdf constants:
;; H5S_UNLIMITED: 2^64-1
(defconstant +H5S-UNLIMITED+ 18446744073709551615)
(defconstant +H5F-ACC-TRUNC+ 2) ;; we'll see if it works
(defconstant +H5P-DEFAULT+ 0)
;; H5T types:
(defconstant +H5P-DATASET-CREATE+ 150994953)
(defconstant +H5T-NATIVE-INT+ 50331660)
;; hdf functions:
;; H5Screate_simple
(defcfun "H5Screate_simple" hid-t
(rank :int)
(current-dims :pointer) ; const hsize_t*
(maximum-dims :pointer)) ; cons hsize_t*
;; H5Fcreate
(defcfun "H5Fcreate" hid-t
(filename :string)
(flags :uint)
(fcpl-id hid-t)
(fapl-id hid-t))
;; H5Pcreate
(defcfun "H5Pcreate" hid-t
(cls-id hid-t))
;; H5Pset_chunk
(defcfun "H5Pset_chunk" herr-t
(plist hid-t)
(ndims :int)
(dim :pointer)) ;; const hsize_t*
;; H5Pset_deflate
(defcfun "H5Pset_deflate" herr-t
(plist-id hid-t)
(level :uint))
;; H5Dcreate1
(defcfun "H5Dcreate1" hid-t
(loc-id hid-t)
(name :string)
(type-id hid-t)
(space-id hid-t)
(dcpl-id hid-t))
;; H5Dclose
(defcfun "H5Dclose" herr-t
(dataset-id hid-t))
;; H5Dwrite
(defcfun "H5Dwrite" herr-t
(datset-id hid-t)
(mem-type-id hid-t)
(mem-space-id hid-t)
(file-space-id hid-t)
(xfer-plist-id hid-t)
(buf :pointer))
;; H5Fclose
(defcfun "H5Fclose" herr-t
(file-id hid-t))
;; H5Sclose
(defcfun "H5Sclose" herr-t
(space-id hid-t))
(defparameter *rank* 1)
(defun test (filename)
(with-foreign-string (dataset-name "dataset")
(with-foreign-objects ((dim :int 1)
(dataspace-maxdim :uint64 1)
(memspace-maxdim :uint64 1)
(chunkdim :int 1)
(dataspace 'hid-t)
(dataset 'hid-t)
(memspace 'hid-t)
(cparms 'hid-t))
(setf (mem-aref dim :int 0) 5)
(format t "dim: ~a~%" (mem-aref dim :int 0))
;;(setf (mem-aref maxdim :int 0) -1)
(setf (mem-aref dataspace-maxdim :uint64 0) +H5S-UNLIMITED+)
(setf (mem-aref memspace-maxdim :uint64 0) 5)
(setf (mem-aref chunkdim :int 0) 1)
(format t "dataspace-maxdim: ~a~%" (mem-aref dataspace-maxdim :uint64 0))
(format t "memspace-maxdim: ~a~%" (mem-aref memspace-maxdim :uint64 0))
;;(with-open-hdf-file (file filename :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
(let ((file (h5fcreate filename +H5F-ACC-TRUNC+ +H5P-DEFAULT+ +H5P-DEFAULT+)))
(setf cparms (h5pcreate +H5P-DATASET-CREATE+))
(h5pset-chunk cparms *rank* chunkdim)
(setf dataspace (h5screate-simple *rank* dim dataspace-maxdim))
(setf dataset (h5dcreate1
(format t "dataspace: ~a~%" dataspace)
(format t "dataset: ~a~%" dataset)
(setf memspace (h5screate-simple *rank* dim memspace-maxdim))
(with-foreign-object (data :int 5)
(loop for i from 0 to 4 do (setf (mem-aref data :int i) (* i i)))
(h5dwrite dataset +H5T-NATIVE-INT+ memspace dataspace +H5P-DEFAULT+ data))
(h5dclose dataset)
(h5sclose memspace)
(h5sclose dataspace)
(h5fclose file)))))
我在 SLIME+SBCL 中运行 (hdf5test:test "test.h5") 得到的输出是
dim: 5
dataspace-maxdim: 18446744073709551615
memspace-maxdim: 5
dataspace: 67108866
dataset: 83886080
我在 SBCL 中运行 (hdf5test:test "test.h5") 得到的输出是
dim: 5
dataspace-maxdim: 18446744073709551615
memspace-maxdim: 5
dataspace: 67108866
dataset: 83886080
HDF5-DIAG: Error detected in HDF5 (1.8.10-patch1) thread 0:
#000: H5S.c line 1388 in H5Screate_simple(): maxdims is smaller than dims
major: Invalid arguments to routine
minor: Bad value
HDF5-DIAG: Error detected in HDF5 (1.8.10-patch1) thread 0:
#000: H5Dio.c line 233 in H5Dwrite(): not a data space
major: Invalid arguments to routine
minor: Inappropriate type
HDF5-DIAG: Error detected in HDF5 (1.8.10-patch1) thread 0:
#000: H5S.c line 405 in H5Sclose(): not a dataspace
major: Invalid arguments to routine
minor: Inappropriate type
所以你可以看到这与数组如何传递给 hdf 函数有关,但我不知道为什么 SLIME+SBCL 会处理这个问题而不是 SBCL。
我也用 CLISP 尝试了完全相同的代码,它工作正常,没有问题,所以它似乎是一个 SBCL 问题。
编辑:我想我应该在主帖中添加结果文件在每种情况下确实不同。在 SLIME+SBCL 或 CLISP 中,该文件包含一个有限数据集,其中包含平方整数(实际上没有任何原因,只是一个测试)。但是,对于普通的 SBCL,数据文件是不完整的;如果您尝试使用 h5dump 查看内容,这是一次无休止的零试验(这就是它处理不完整数据集的方式)。