We have a solution with perhaps 10 SharePoint projects and a number of supporting Dlls. To get my project to build I generally need to go to the GAC and uninstall all of the libraries associate with our project from the GAC.

If I don't do that I get errors stating it cant resolve the references, either to these projects or to projects dependent on those projects.

What's going on?

Why do some of my team not have this issue. we both do the same Get from source control.


2 回答 2


我不确定发生了什么,但我知道是什么原因造成的。我的机器上安装了 VS2013 RC。如果我再次运行 VS 2012 安装程序并运行修复,它将解决这些问题。我尝试再次运行 VS 2013 RC 安装程序(修复模式),但它又坏了。因此,我重新运行了 VS2012 安装程序进行修复,这再次解决了我的问题。所以 VS 2013 一直在为我打破这个解决方案。这将为 2012 年修复此解决方案,但在 VS 2013 中不再有效。

当我安装了 VS 2012 预览版时,我确实短暂地看到了这些问题,但它们实际上消失了,我不知道是什么修复了它。有了预览版,虽然​​有点不一致,但我可以在我的解决方案中使用两个 VS 版本。使用 RC 看起来我只能让 VS 2012 工作。

于 2013-10-16T23:14:32.950 回答

Generally GAC dlls have higher priority than the local assemblies. So if your dlls are deployed in GAC then your application would reference the ones located there (over the ones that are packaged locally to your bin directories).

So one guess would be that the GAC dlls are outdated (missing classes, methods, properties that you have just added in your code), that's why your project cannot be built.

于 2013-10-10T19:46:59.943 回答