I have seen a lot of posts on optimizing SQLITE on android with bulk inserts Currently its taking 90 seconds to do 900 inserts/updates. I added the Begin/End Transaction around them but only saw minor improvements. So I want to add I believe SQLiteStatement
Here is my code currently
static ArrayList<ContentSystem> csList = new ArrayList<ContentSystem>();
..fill out csList..
for(int i = 0; i < csList.size(); ++i)
addItem(ma, csList.get(i), dh, Table, Key);
public static void addItem(final MainActivity ma, ContentSystem cs,
final DatabaseHandler dh, String Table, String Key)
worked = dh.UpdateItem(cs.cv, Table, Key, cs.UUID);
if (worked == 0)
worked = dh.AddData(Table, cs.cv);
if (worked <= 0)
My problem is that if my csList contains ~1000 items and some are already in my list, some are not so I am currently doing a update if the update returns 0 then I do an add
How could I get something like this to work in a bulk statement?
A bit more info
int wok = db.update(table, values, Key + " = ?", new String[] { Item });
int work = (int) db.insert(table, null, values);
ContentSystem is a list of ContentValues