I'm developing an app that uses the oAuth authentication for Google accounts. The problem is that depending of the login-hint that I'm sending to the page (@gmail.com or @googleappsdomains.com) the page has an appearance or another.

My question is... Is there any way to load always the same oAuth page and not a different one depending of domain (login-hint will always be send as a param, is not a solution to not send this param).


1 回答 1


我认为登录提示按预期工作。如果浏览器登录了多个 Google 帐户(其中很多都登录了),如果没有登录提示,则该人将看到 Google AccountChooser,询问他们要使用哪个帐户。如果存在登录提示并且他们已登录该帐户,那么事情就会直接进行。还有其他变化来源...取决于他们之前是否在登录提示帐户中批准了您的范围,他们可能会或可能不会获得批准屏幕,并且取决于他们是否实际登录到该帐户,他们可能会或可能不会获得登录流程。


于 2013-10-10T19:02:44.083 回答