I would like to know, if there a way with Microsoft ARR to test each web application on web farm.

The goal is avoid ARR to route the request if the web application is down.I mean, I know i can test the server with the healt test, but if an application is down du to a rapid fail protection, or any other reason the ARR route the request even if the application is failed. So i get intermittend interuption on some web pages.


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ARR 中没有内置任何内容来进行站点级别检查。例如,您将需要一个 PowerShell 脚本来监视停止的 appPools/站点,并尝试自动重新启动 appPool 或重置该主机名的服务器关联性,以便下一个请求转到场中的不同服务器(不保证取决于您的负载均衡算法)

于 2013-10-23T14:21:38.367 回答