I have a PictureBox with some graphics drawn, able to zoom by mousewheel. To keep the graphics at the (approximately) same position, not to have to move each time after zooming, I translate the graphics after each zoom. Here is my zooming code:

private void pictureBox1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
    float _step = 1.0f;
    if (todo == "zoom out")
        float step = 0;
        if (CurrentRate >= 0.60f) step = 0.05f;
        else if (CurrentRate >= 0.40f && CurrentRate < 0.60f) step = 0.025f;
        else if (CurrentRate >= 0.05f && CurrentRate < 0.40f) step = 0.0125f;
        CurrentRate -= step; // current rate is 1.0 on startup
        _step = step;
        //pictureBox1.Location = new Point((int)(pictureBox1.Location.X + step * 1500), (int)(pictureBox1.Location.Y + step * 1500));
        translateX += step * 10500; //achieved these numbers after few dozens of tries, it actually keeps the graphics at the same position..
        translateY += step * 8500;
        todo = null;
    else if (todo == "zoom in")
        float step = 0;
        if (CurrentRate >= 1.80f && CurrentRate <= 1.95f) step = 0.0125f;
        else if (CurrentRate >= 0.80f && CurrentRate < 1.80f) step = 0.025f;
        else if (CurrentRate >= 0.03f && CurrentRate < 0.80f) step = 0.05f;
        CurrentRate += step;
        _step = step;
        translateX -= step * 10500;
        translateY -= step * 8500;
        //pictureBox1.Location = new Point((int)(pictureBox1.Location.X - step * 1500), (int)(pictureBox1.Location.Y - step * 1500));
        todo = null;

    e.Graphics.TranslateTransform(translateX, translateY); //move it to keep same position
    e.Graphics.ScaleTransform(CurrentRate, CurrentRate); //rescale according to the zoom
   //the drawing itself (of everything, also the things mentioned below)

Now, what I am trying to do. The user clicks the picturebox, a small rectangle should be drawn at the click position. When he clicks again, another rectangle is drawn, and the rectangles are connected by a line. And on and on to lets say 50 connected rectangles.

Now, the rectangles connect correctly, but everything is drawn with a horrible offset. I believe this is caused by the translation. So I tried to translate the click coordinates as well:

private void pictureBox1_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
        //MessageBox.Show("e.Location: " + e.Location.ToString() + "to client e.location: " + PointToClient(e.Location).ToString() +  "cursor position: " + Cursor.Position.ToString() + "to client cursor position:" + PointToClient(Cursor.Position).ToString() + "/nto screen cursor position: " + PointToScreen(Cursor.Position).ToString());
        if (trackDrawing)
            Point[] rectanglePos = new Point[1];
            rectanglePos[0] = new Point(e.Location.X + (int)(translateX), e.Location.Y + (int)translateY);
            if (trackDrawingBuffer.Count > 0)
                Point[] linePos = new Point[2];
                linePos[0] = trackDrawingBuffer[trackDrawingBuffer.Count - 1];
                linePos[1] = new Point(e.Location.X + (int)translateX, e.Location.Y + (int)translateY); ;
            trackDrawingBuffer.Add(new Point(e.Location.X + (int)translateX, e.Location.Y + (int)translateY));
 //some more unrelated code

But that doesn't work. I have tried also without the translates here at the MouseDown event, but still it draws with offset. I am not quite sure how to describe the behavior properly, so I have done a short vid (about 30s) to explain the offset.. The video

Any ideas? Thank you in advance




Now, after edits done according to the answers, my code looks this:

private void pictureBox1_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
        if (trackDrawing)
            Matrix m = transform.Clone();
            Point[] rectanglePos = new Point[1];
            rectanglePos[0] = new Point(e.Location.X - 3, e.Location.Y - 3);
            if (trackDrawingBuffer.Count > 0)
                Point[] linePos = new Point[2];
                linePos[0] = trackDrawingBuffer[trackDrawingBuffer.Count - 1];
                linePos[1] = new Point(e.Location.X, e.Location.Y );

Now, here the translating part, including the code where I get the matrix offset

        private void pictureBox1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
        transform.Translate(-translateX, -translateY);
        float _step = 1.0f;
        if (todo == "zoom out")
            float step = 0;
            if (CurrentRate >= 0.60f) step = 0.05f;
            else if (CurrentRate >= 0.40f && CurrentRate < 0.60f) step = 0.025f;
            else if (CurrentRate >= 0.05f && CurrentRate < 0.40f) step = 0.0125f;
            CurrentRate -= step;
            _step = step;
            translateX += step * 10500;
            translateY += step * 8500;
            todo = null;
        else if (todo == "zoom in")
            float step = 0;
            if (CurrentRate >= 1.80f && CurrentRate <= 1.95f) step = 0.0125f;
            else if (CurrentRate >= 0.80f && CurrentRate < 1.80f) step = 0.025f;
            else if (CurrentRate >= 0.03f && CurrentRate < 0.80f) step = 0.05f;
            CurrentRate += step;
            _step = step;
            //pictureBox1.Scale((1f + step), (1f + step));
            translateX -= step * 10500;
            translateY -= step * 8500;
            todo = null;

        transform.Translate(translateX, translateY); // transform is the Matrix

        e.Graphics.Transform = transform;
        e.Graphics.ScaleTransform(CurrentRate, CurrentRate);

and here the drawing itself:

 for (int i = 0; i < drawBuffer.Count; i++)
else if (drawBuffertype[i].ToUpper().Contains("DRAWTRACKRECTANGLE"))
                    e.Graphics.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.Red), drawBuffer[i][0].X, drawBuffer[i][0].Y, 6, 6);
                else if (drawBuffertype[i].ToUpper().Contains("DRAWTRACKLINE"))
                    e.Graphics.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.OrangeRed, 2), drawBuffer[i][0], drawBuffer[i][1]);

And still drawing like in the first part of video. I just have to be missing something really basic here...


2 回答 2




现在,当用户单击时,您可以克隆该 Matrix 并 Invert() 它,允许您使用它的 TransformPoints() 方法。这将从屏幕坐标转换为等效的世界坐标。将转换后的世界坐标存储在 List 中,以便您可以在 Paint() 事件中重复使用它们。


public partial class Form1 : Form

    private Matrix MyMatrix = new Matrix();
    private List<Point> Points = new List<Point>();

    public Form1()
        this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized;
        this.Shown += new EventHandler(Form1_Shown);

    void Form1_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Point Center = new Point(this.ClientRectangle.Width / 2, this.ClientRectangle.Height / 2);
        MyMatrix.Translate(Center.X, Center.Y);
        this.MouseDown += new MouseEventHandler(Form1_MouseDown);
        this.Paint += new PaintEventHandler(Form1_Paint);

    void Form1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
        e.Graphics.Transform = MyMatrix;

        // draw the origin in the center of the form:
        e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Red, new Point(-10, 0), new Point(10, 0));
        e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Red, new Point(0, -10), new Point(0, 10));

        // draw our stored points (that have already been converted to world coords)
        foreach (Point pt in Points)
            Rectangle rc = new Rectangle(pt, new Size(1, 1));
            rc.Inflate(10, 10);
            e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, rc);

    void Form1_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
        Matrix m = MyMatrix.Clone();
        Point[] pts = new Point[] {new Point(e.X, e.Y)};

    private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

    private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        MyMatrix.Scale(1.1f, 1.1f);


通过 Matrix 屏幕显示世界坐标

于 2013-10-10T19:02:35.677 回答


this.pictureBox1.Scale(new SizeF(2.5f, 2.5f));


实际上,我将矩形的边定义为 15 个单位宽。

private int RectSideLen = 15;


int cornerOffset = RectSideLen / 2;
Point newUpLeftCorner = e.Location;
newUpLeftCorner.Offset(-cornerOffset, -cornerOffset);




private void pictureBox1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
    using (Pen pen = new Pen(Color.Red, 1))
        foreach (Rectangle r in DrawBuffer)
            e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(pen, r);


public partial class Form1 : Form
    private int RectSideLen = 15;
    private IList<Rectangle> DrawBuffer = new List<Rectangle>();

    public Form1()

    private void pictureBox1_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
        int cornerOffset = RectSideLen / 2;

        Point newUpLeftCorner = e.Location;
        newUpLeftCorner.Offset(-cornerOffset, -cornerOffset);

        DrawBuffer.Add(new Rectangle(newUpLeftCorner, new Size(RectSideLen, RectSideLen)));


    private void pictureBox1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)

        using (Pen pen = new Pen(Color.Red, 1))
            foreach (Rectangle r in DrawBuffer)
                e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(pen, r);
于 2013-10-10T18:12:28.900 回答