I've just installed Sencha Touch 2.3, and I notice there is a new plugin called "Ext.plugin.SortableList":


I was in the middle of writing my own sortable list, based on Sencha Touch 2.2.1, when I saw this and thought it was time to upgrade Sencha Touch and use a plugin instead.

Can anyone provide a small example of how to use this? I was hoping it would allow me to specify a handle selector for dragging and use it straight away, but it doesn't seem to work. Code is below. Any help appreciated.

Ext.define('kcm.view.favslist', {

    extend: 'Ext.List',

    requires: [



    xtype: 'favslist',      

    config: {
        height: '100%',
        width: '100%',      

        emptyText: 'No favorites. Tap the Add button to add the current topic.',        

        store: 'favstore_id',

        itemTpl: '<table id="each_fav" width="100%" valign="center" border="0"> '+
        '<tr valign="center">'+
            '<td valign="center" width="30"><div>' +
                '<input type="image" name="Delete" id="delfav" src="resources/images/deletebuttonnew.png" ' +
            '<td><div class="fav_title">{fav_name}</div>' +
                '<div class="fav_breadcrumb">{breadcrumb}</div></td><td valign="center" width="30"><div>' +
                '<input type="image" name="dragfav" id="dragfav" zindex="99999" src="resources/images/dragitem.png" ' +

        plugins: [
                xclass: 'Ext.plugin.SortableList',
                handleSelector: 'dragfav'







1 回答 1


看起来 handleSelector 配置应该是 CSS 类型选择器,因此在您的示例中,它应该是“.dragFav”来选择具有 dragFav 类的元素。

于 2013-10-17T12:04:10.820 回答