I'm experiencing the following issue. consider this code:

<div ng-repeat element in elements>
   <input type="text"/><a ng-click="deleteTag(inputArray, $index)" class="redCross">&nbsp;</a>

When the user clicks the link it will delete the input based on the index value. The function will basically delete the element from an existing array, so it receives the array, and the index.

It works perfect across all the browsers except for IE8 and IE7, if I have three items, the function is executed three times and always receives 0 as index value.

Totally stuck with this issue, your help will be very appreciated.


1 回答 1


在深入研究了这个问题之后,我修复了它,用输入按钮替换了锚点。这对我有用。似乎是一个 angularjs 错误。

于 2013-10-10T17:09:30.547 回答