没有任何运气改变 fotorama 中幻灯片之间的持续时间(时间)。我可以更改过渡持续时间,但不能更改图像/幻灯片之间的持续时间。我尝试更改 data-autoplay="3000" 的间隔,但它没有达到我想要的效果。这是我的代码:


2 回答 2


不确定这是否是您要寻找的...我还提供了有关 如何为每个照片/幻灯片设置不同的持续时间的解决方案?(不是过渡持续时间)

如果您想在显示下一张幻灯片之前更改持续时间,对于单个幻灯片......我通过收听 fotorama.showend 事件来处理它:

在您的基本 JS 脚本中,包括这个...我没有在具有多个 fotorama 的页面上对其进行测试,因此它可能会影响页面上的所有内容,您必须修改变量以针对特定的 fotorama。

$(function () {
        /* Listen to the "showend" event... the "show" event is for the beginning of a transition, while "showend" is at the end of the transition. */
            function (e, fotorama, extra) {
                /* do a switch on the active index + 1, if you want the current frame at base 1 instead of base 0 */
                switch (fotorama.activeIndex + 1){
                    case 2:
                        fotorama.setOptions({autoplay: 3000});
                    case 5:
                        fotorama.setOptions({autoplay: 15000});
                    case 6:
                        fotorama.setOptions({autoplay: 7000});
                    case 7:
                        fotorama.setOptions({autoplay: 20000});
                    case 8:
                        fotorama.setOptions({autoplay: 2000});
                        /* You could choose to always set the autoplay to a default value here as shown, but it may be more efficient to just always set it back to default on the first slide of a "default duration" sequence (above ex. slide 2 of slides 2-4, or slide 8 of slides 8-the end), instead of setting a new autoplay value on each and every slide regardless of whether or not it's needed. */
                        fotorama.setOptions({autoplay: 2000});

                /* see the event fire in developer console, for debugging only */
                console.log('## ' + e.type);
                console.log('active frame', fotorama.activeFrame);
                console.log('additional data', extra);



如果您想在过渡开始时对某事采取行动,请收听“fotorama:show”...要收听的事件的完整列表,以及来自API 页面的控制台调试代码:

$(function () {
        // Listen to the events
        .on('fotorama:ready ' +           // Fotorama is fully ready
            'fotorama:show ' +            // Start of transition to the new frame
            'fotorama:showend ' +         // End of the show transition
            'fotorama:load ' +            // Stage image of some frame is loaded
            'fotorama:error ' +           // Stage image of some frame is broken
            'fotorama:startautoplay ' +   // Slideshow is started
            'fotorama:stopautoplay ' +    // Slideshow is stopped
            'fotorama:fullscreenenter ' + // Fotorama is fullscreened
            'fotorama:fullscreenexit ' +  // Fotorama is unfullscreened
            'fotorama:loadvideo ' +       // Video iframe is loaded
            'fotorama:unloadvideo',       // Video iframe is removed
            function (e, fotorama, extra) {
              console.log('## ' + e.type);
              console.log('active frame', fotorama.activeFrame);
              console.log('additional data', extra);
        // Initialize fotorama manually
于 2015-04-13T00:23:22.317 回答


于 2013-10-23T13:34:37.677 回答