How can I use like operator in one to ManyRealtion ship.Please check my code below for my Situation.

I have Org Class and DeptClass with One - Many Realtion ship


public class Organization implements Serializable  {
private Long organizationId;

private String orgName;

private java.util.List<Department> listOfDepartMents = new java.util.ArrayList<Department>();

//setter and getter methods


      public class Department implements Serializable { 

@Column(name = "FLD_DEPARTMENT_ID")
private Long departmentId;

@Column(name = "FLD_DEPARTMENT_NAME")
private String departmentName;
   // Setter and getter methods


Now i have orgName but for deptName i have only first two characters(for like operator) based on this orgName I fire the query but i got number of Department Objects for the OrgName.I want to short those departmetns by using like how can i do this any one help me..I am using HQL


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