
public interface IResolver<TIn, TOut> where ... {...}


public static ResolverFactory{

   public static IResover<TIn, TOut>  GetResolver<TIn, TOut> where ... ()
       //access some storage dictionary to return the correctly typed instance

我怎样才能创建这样一个容器,它将同时存储IResover<Entity1, Entity2>IResolver<Entity3, Entity4>


public interface IResolver {} 
public interface IResolver<TIn, TOut> : IResolver where .... 


Dictionary<Type, Dictionary <Type, IResolver>> storage;

public RegisterResolver(IResolver resolver)
   //add to storage - how?

但是这种情况基本上会使对泛型参数的约束无效。此外,在添加 时,或多或少不可能IResolver获得 的泛型类型。IResolver<TIn, TOut>



2 回答 2


There may be something obvious I'm missing in your question, because I don't understand where the issue is.

First, I declare a IResolver<TIn, TOut> interface with a constraint:

public interface IResolver<TIn, TOut>
    where TIn : Stream 


Then, I create a ResolverFactory, where the constraints are enforced by both the RegisterResolver and GetResolver method. The way the objects are actually stored doesn't matter, because the storage isn't exposed outside of the class. The encapsulation maintains the consistency:

public static class ResolverFactory
    private static Dictionary<Type, object> storage = new Dictionary<Type, object>();

    public static void RegisterResolver<TIn, TOut>(IResolver<TIn, TOut> resolver) where TIn : Stream 
        storage[typeof(IResolver<TIn, TOut>)] = resolver;

    public static IResolver<TIn, TOut> GetResolver<TIn, TOut>() where TIn : Stream
        return storage[typeof(IResolver<TIn, TOut>)] as IResolver<TIn, TOut>;
于 2013-10-10T12:18:28.143 回答

就像 KooKiz 的答案一样,但没有演员表,也没有字典。用法类似。

//Rather than:
var res = ResolverFactory.GetResolver<Stream, Hat>();
//You Do:
var res = ResolverFactory<Stream, Hat>.GetResolver();


public interface IResolver<TIn, TOut>
    where TIn : Stream

//Still static, but now there is one per TIn,TOut pair
//so no need for dictionary, so also no need for casting.
public static class ResolverFactory<TIn, TOut> where TIn : Stream
    private static IResolver<TIn, TOut> _resolver;

    public static void RegisterResolver(IResolver<TIn, TOut> resolver)
        _resolver = resolver;

    public static IResolver<TIn, TOut> GetResolver()
        return _resolver;

internal class Program
    private static void Main(string[] args)
        ResolverFactory<Stream, Hat>.RegisterResolver(new MyStreamToHatResolver());

        var res = ResolverFactory<Stream, Hat>.GetResolver();
于 2013-10-10T12:40:26.130 回答