我正在构建一个活动跟踪应用程序。应用程序功能正在跟踪您为某项活动所花费的时间。用户按下 START 按钮后,我初始化一个 NSTimer,在 CoreData 中创建一个对象并更改一些按钮、标签的状态......
我正在构建一个活动跟踪应用程序。应用程序功能正在跟踪您为某项活动所花费的时间。用户按下 START 按钮后,我初始化一个 NSTimer,在 CoreData 中创建一个对象并更改一些按钮、标签的状态......
Doing this really well is a fairly long topic, but the concept is called State Restoration. In its basic form (which is all you probably need), it's actually pretty simple and the system will do most of the work for you automatically if you ask for it. Some pointers:
to "count" time. That approach doesn't work. You can use an NSTimer
to update the UI, but you should determine how much time has passed by subtracting the start time from the current time. Given that, you don't need to run in the background to track time passage.encodeRestorableStateWithCoder:
and decodeRestorableStateWithCoder:
in your view controllers to keep track of what object you were working with. All of this is explained in the State Preservation and Restoration documentation linked above.