Is this example bad practice because it make several database calls?

Is it any way I can make this to one DB call? Like use 'where' instead of 'firstOrDefault' and compare FlagDate with each date on the message in my messageList?

foreach (var message in messageList)
    var dayFlag = db.DayFlags.FirstOrDefault(x => 
                                    x.FlagDate == message.MessageDate);

2 回答 2


If you want to retrieve only the dayFlags which a corresponding Date to the messageList, you need to extract the dates first in a separate list, then pass it to a Linq To Sql query.

Note that to retrieve only the first DayFlags of each Date, you need to group the flags by date.

var dates = messageList.Select(m => m.MessageDate).ToList();
var dayFlags = db.DayFlags.GroupBy(flag => flag.FlagDate)
                          .Where(group => dates.Contains(group.Key))
                          .Select(group => group.First());
于 2013-10-10T09:02:53.767 回答

这是 linq 的解决方案:

var dates = messageList.Select(m => m.MessageDate).ToList();
var dayFlags = from df in db.DayFlags
               where dates.Contains(df.FlagDate)
               select df;
于 2013-10-10T11:59:06.900 回答