I'm working with nodejs and the child process module to execute commands on my platform. To do that, I use the spawn function.

Here's my code:

var spawn_execution = executor.spawn(command, args);

spawn_execution.stdout.on('data', function (data) {
    console.log('stdout: ' + data);

spawn_execution.stderr.on('data', function (data) {
    console.log('stderr: ' + data);

Nothing fancy. So I tried a couple of commands that worked like

executor.spawn('C:/path/to/ffmpeg.exe', [...]);

But when I try to use a native windows command, it does not work. For instance, I tried:

executor.spawn('del', ['C:\\my\\file\\to\\delete']);

When executing this, I've got a ENOENT error which means that the file is not found. So I did another thing:

executor.spawn('C:/my/script-delete.exe', ['C:\\my\\file\\to\\delete']);

This script-delete.exe just contains:

del %1

So why does the spawn function need to have a script file? Why does it not work with native windows command? Do you know a way to make it work with a native command?

Thank you!


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executor.spawn('cmd.exe', ['/C', 'del', 'C:\\my\\file\\to\\delete']);
于 2013-10-10T08:36:54.347 回答