function itemCreator(itemName, itemType, itemPositionX, itemPositionY) {
this.itemName = itemName;
this.itemType = itemType;
this.itemPositionX = itemPositionX;
this.itemPositionY = itemPositionY;
allItems.push(this); //store all items in a global variable
}//end itemCreator;
//then I use it to create an object
megaRocket = new itemCreator (
现在我意识到我还需要映射这些对象以根据对象具有的“itemType”修改不同的全局变量。这就是我卡住的地方。如何创建一个只有具有特定 itemType 属性的对象才能修改的全局变量?
例如,我想创建一个对象来增加一个名为 amountOfMegarockets 的变量,但前提是该对象的 itemType 是“item_megarocket”。
function checkForItems(){
var itemLen =allItems.length;
for (i=0; i < itemLen; i++){
var itemObject = allItems[i];
if ( //checking for "collisions" here
(ship.x < (itemObject.itemBitmap.x + itemObject.size) && (ship.x + shipWidth) > itemObject.itemBitmap.x) &&
(ship.y < (itemObject.itemBitmap.y + itemObject.size) && (ship.y + shipWidth) > itemObject.itemBitmap.y)
itemObject.actor.y = -500; //just removing the item from canvas here (temporary solution)
// Here comes pseudo code for the part that I'm stuck with
Bergi 的回答对我来说最有意义,但我无法正确使用语法。以下是我尝试使用 Bergi 代码的方式:
var amounts = {},
allItems = [];
function itemCreator(itemName, itemType, itemPositionX, itemPositionY) {
this.itemName = itemName;
this.itemType = itemType;
this.itemPositionX = itemPositionX;
this.itemPositionY = itemPositionY;
(amounts[itemType]=2); // this is different from bergi's example because I need to set the initial value of the item to two
//I also shouldn't increase the item amount on creation of the item, but only when it's specifically called from another function
this.increaseCount = amounts[itemType]++; //this should IMO increase the itemType amount inside the amounts object when called, but it doesn't seem to work
//creating the object the way bergi suggested:
allItems.push(new itemCreator('shootUp001', 'item_up', 108, 475));
function checkForItems(){
var itemLen =allItems.length;
for (i=0; i < itemLen; i++){
var itemObject = allItems[i];
if ( my condition here)
//code below is not increasing the value for the current itemType in the amounts object.
//Probably a simple syntax mistake?
为什么我调用 itemObject.itemType.increaseCount; 不增加 amount.itemType 的值?