我正在尝试在特定点将一个立方体附加到另一个立方体。我能够发生碰撞并且 .add() 工作正常。但是,我想在父多维数据集发生碰撞的点处添加子多维数据集。
for (var vertexIndex = 0; vertexIndex < MovingCube.geometry.vertices.length; vertexIndex++) {
var localVertex = MovingCube.geometry.vertices[vertexIndex].clone();
var globalVertex = localVertex.applyMatrix4( MovingCube.matrix );
var directionVector = globalVertex.sub( MovingCube.position );
var ray = new THREE.Raycaster( originPoint, directionVector.clone().normalize() );
var collisionResults = ray.intersectObjects( collidableMeshList );
if ( collisionResults.length > 0 && collisionResults[0].distance < directionVector.length() )
console.log(" Hit and collision detected " + SELECTED);
// Is there way to get collision point and attach object at that point?