
struct node
 string keyValue; //value to stored that is being searched for in our tree
 node *left; //left side of pointing tree from parent node
 node *right; //right side of pointing tree from parent node

template <class T> 
class Tree
   Tree(); //constructor
  ~Tree(); //destructor

void displayTree();     
void insertTree(T key);
node *searchTree(T key);
void deleteTree();


 node *root; //points to the root point of our tree
 void displayTree(node *leaf);
 void insertTree(T key, node *leaf); //takes in our keyValue to 
 void deleteTree(node*leaf);
 node *search(T key, node *leaf);

 template <class T>
 void Tree<T>::insertTree(T key)
  cout << "instert1" << endl;
   if(root != NULL)
    cout << "instert2" << endl;
    insertTree(key, root);
    cout << "inster else..." << endl;
    root = new node;
    root->keyValue = key;
    cout << root->keyValue << "--root key value" << endl;
    root->left = NULL;
    root->right = NULL;


template <class T>      
void Tree<T>::insertTree(T key, node *leaf)
 if(key < leaf->keyValue)
   if(leaf->left != NULL)
    insertTree(key, leaf->left); 
   else //descend tree to find appropriate NULL node to store keyValue (left side of tree)

     leaf->left = new node; //Creating new node to store our keyValue (data)
     leaf->left -> keyValue = key;
     leaf->left -> left = NULL; //Assigning left and right child of current child node to NULL
     leaf->left -> right = NULL;
   else if(key >= leaf->keyValue)
     if(leaf->right != NULL)
      insertTree(key, leaf->right);
     else //descend tree to find appropriate NULL node to store keyValue (right side of tree)
      leaf->right = new node; //Creating new node to store our keyValue (data)
      leaf->right -> keyValue = key;
      leaf->right -> right = NULL; //Assigning left and right child of current child node to NULL
      leaf->right -> left = NULL;
    template <class T>
node *Tree<T>::searchTree(T key)
 cout << "searching for...key: " << key << " and given root value:" << endl;
  return search(key, root);
template <class T>
node *Tree<T>::search(T key, node*leaf)
  if(leaf != NULL)
    cout << "check passed for search!" << endl;
    if(key == leaf->keyValue)
       return leaf;
    if(key < leaf->keyValue)
      return search(key, leaf->left);
      return search(key, leaf->right);


    cout << key << " Not found...!" << endl;
    return NULL;

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template <typename T>
struct NodeStruct
 T keyValue; //value to stored that is being searched for in our tree
 NodeStruct<T> *left; //left side of pointing tree from parent node
 NodeStruct<T> *right; //right side of pointing tree from parent node


typedef NodeStruct<T> node;




于 2013-10-10T04:08:05.337 回答