我已经从代码中删除了 scanf 并且程序的其余部分运行没有问题。当代码到达 scanf 并且我输入一个数字后,xcode '失去连接'并显示错误“程序以退出代码结束:-1”。我还尝试将“输入”设置为 int,更改输入变量的名称以防出现冲突,并在代码中不使用 fflush 进行尝试。我在 Oracle VM Virtualbox 上运行 Mountain Lion,并且我的计算机在 Windows 7 上,如果相关的话。
#import Foundation/Foundation.h
#include stdio.h
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
@autoreleasepool {
float input = 1;
int i = 0;
float total = 0;
int max = 0;
int min = 1000;
while (input != 0){
NSLog(@"Please put in a number. \n");
scanf("%f", &input);
if(input > max){
max = input;
if(input < min){
min = input;
total = total + input;
printf("The number of entered numbers was %i \n", i);
printf("The sum of the entered numbers is %f\n", total);
total = total/i;
printf("The average of all the numbers is %f\n", total);
printf("The highest number entered is %i\n", max);
printf("The lowest number entered is %i\n", min);
return 0;