我想从维基词典下载所有可数名词(类别:英语可数名词),我在/enwiktionary/latest/ 的索引上
尝试了一些语料库,但似乎很难提取我想要的类别。谁能告诉我应该使用哪个以及如何提取特定类别的单词列表?或者有没有其他方法可以做到这一点,比如使用 API?
1292 次
1 回答
类别成员 API。https://en.wiktionary.org/w/api.php?action=query&list=categorymembers&cmtitle=Category:English_countable_nouns&cmprop=title给出:
"warnings": {
"query": {
"*": "Formatting of continuation data will be changing soon. To continue using the current formatting, use the 'rawcontinue' parameter. To begin using the new format, pass an empty string for 'continue' in the initial query."
"query-continue": {
"categorymembers": {
"cmcontinue": "page|302d342d30|474610"
"query": {
"categorymembers": [
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于 2015-04-27T23:13:12.560 回答