我正在尝试使用“Ruby 中的计算机科学编程基础”和其他资源自学 Ruby。我被一个问题困住了,这本书没有提供解决方案。
# Get the first point from a user
puts "Please enter Point A's X value."
x_1 = gets.to_i
puts "Please enter Point A's Y value."
y_1 = gets.to_i
# Get the second point from a user
puts "Please enter Point B's X value."
x_2 = gets.to_i
puts "Please enter Point B's Y value."
y_2 = gets.to_i
slope = ((y_1-y_2) / (x_1-x_2))
#Check to see if the line is vertical or horizontal and the slope is +ve or -ve
when (slope == 0) then
puts "The line is horizontal."
when (slope > 0) then
puts "The slope is positive."
when (slope < 0) then
puts "The slope is negative."
when (x_1-x_2 == 0) then
puts "The line is vertical."
如何在puts "The line is vertical!"
不获取 ZeroDivisionError 的情况下生成除以零回报的值?