I have the following script:
function doPing () {
#cat /home/scripts/test.txt | while read server ; do
#while [ $pings -le 3 ] ; do
echo success1 $pings
if [ 1 -eq 1 ]; then {
pings=$(expr $pings + 1)
echo success- $pings
} else if [ 1 -eq 2 ]; then {
pings=$(expr $pings + 1)
echo not
} else {
pings=$(expr $pings + 1)
echo known
} fi
echo success3 $pings
echo -e "\nSuccessfully pinged $pings.\n"
test.txt contains a few lines of server names, it does not matter actually.
My problem is that when I uncomment the line #while ...
, I get:
success1 0
success- 1
success3 1
success1 1
success- 2
success3 2
success1 2
success- 3
success3 3
success1 3
success- 4
success3 4
success1 4
success- 5
success3 5
Successfully pinged 0.
but when I uncomment the line #cat ...
, I get:
success1 0
success- 1
success3 1
success1 1
success- 2
success3 2
success1 2
success- 3
success3 3
success1 3
success- 4
success3 4
Successfully pinged 4.
How can I make it so that the #while
output will be some number pinged, like #cat ...
, not zero? Please help. Thanks.