I feel like I have read through/attempted every online suggestion about this - perhaps missing the obvious! In Matlab R2013a I am plotting multiple lines from a loop (the number of lines read in each time is variable) and then adding a legend, where the series names are read in from a list. The line colors on the legend do not match the line colors on the plot.

I have tried color maps, get & set commands, putting the legend in and outside the loop, creating a separate loop for the legend etc etc... Please help! The relevant section of the code is below:

%% getting the data....
for i=1:length(files); % for each file in the folder
  FileName = files(i,1).name; % extract the filename
  calfile = files(i,1).name; % lists all filenames for metadata
  a = length(calfile);
  fn(i,1:a) = calfile;
  fid_data(i) = fopen(files(i,1).name,'r'); % open that file
  data = csvread(FileName,0,1,[0 1 15 30]); % 
  diam(i,:) = data(9,:); % puts each channel center diameter into array
  diamerr(i,:) = data(10,:); % channel centre error

x = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30];

%% Plotting data
h = (figure('name','campaign summary','numbertitle','off'));
set(gca, 'box','on')

for r = 1:i
   plot(x,diam(r,:)); % plots diameters for each flight
   hold all
   errorbar(diam(r,:), diamerr(r,:)); % plots error bars for each flight diameters

legend(fn(:,:),'location', 'northwest'); % legend derived from filename list
set(legend,'Interpreter','none'); % stops the underscore from making text subscript

1 回答 1


你不需要两者ploterrorbar。该errorbar函数正在绘制循环中较早绘制的线,其中plot. 然后将图例应用于这些隐藏线以及可见线。摆脱plot并使用errorbar(x, diam(r,:), diamerr(r,:))

于 2013-10-09T20:59:19.083 回答