need some help!
I have a rather difficult problem, I would like to solve. I have an array:
@array = string, string, string
In my example:
yellow, red, blabla
I would like to use these string from the array and put them in a commandlet with extra if-clauses (difficult to explain, I will better show it) and check if they exist before adding them to the commandlet.
$array = @()
$array += "red"
$array += "blabla"
$command = write-host
if ($array[0]) {$command = $command + " -foregroundcolor $array[0]"}
if ($array[1]) {$command = $command + " -object $array[1]"}
This obviously doesn't work. The question is, how can I have some sort of puzzling together certain parameters of a single commandlet with strings?
Error tells me more or less, that this no commandlet or executable script.
another idea I had, but I would like to avoid, because it won't stay simple:
If (!$array[0]) {
(if (!$array[1]) {write-host "nodata"} else {write-host -object $array[1]})
(if (!$array[1]) {write-host -foregroundcolor $array[0]}
else {write-host -forgroundcolor $array[0] -object $array[1]})
Got an error in there already.