attempting to have my webpage be a bit more dynamic by having the background change on some elements when a checkbox is clicked. I am trying to do this via class change and a CSS sheet. I have the following which is kicking out an error that my onclick function ins not defined (in IE9). More importantly will the webpage update if I only change the class of the object which would have a different class in the CSS file. Whats a better alternative if this does not work?
my elemenet and function
UPDATE I made updates to both my HTML and CSS file as suggested by many. I am still getting no change in my webpage but the console is claiming that my function called from the onclick event is not defined which is a bit odd since it is. Also does this type for scripting belong in the HTML or should I pull it out and put in a seperate file. I figured since it was creating elements it belongs in the main html. Is there a cleaner more compact way of accomplishing this and not making my home screen html huge?
<tr class= 'tr.notchosen'><td><input type='checkbox' onclick='handleClick('/></td></tr>
function handleClick(cb) {
var currentColumn = cb.parentNode
var currentRow = currentColumn.parentNode
if (currentRow.className === "chosen")
currentRow.className = "notchosen";
currentRow.className = "chosen";
and my css file is the following