我正在尝试创建一个 .vbs 来检查是否存在 dvd 驱动器(如果 objdrive.drivetype= 4),同时忽略其他驱动器,例如硬盘驱动器(否则如果 cdrive = 1,则 -no statement- 等)。然而,这一行让我感到悲痛:“对于 colDrives 中的每个 objDrive”。当它存在时会导致语法错误,但是当它被删除时会导致错误提示“需要对象:objdrive”。该脚本使用 hta/vbs 混合,为用户提供取消对媒体的搜索,这是通过使用一个函数来实现的,因此将它放在一个 sub 中并调用它是无用的。这是我的代码,请帮忙。
Set shell=CreateObject("wscript.shell")
Set objShell = Wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set colDrives = objFSO.Drives
For Each objDrive in colDrives
if objdrive.drivetype= 4 then
select case 1
case 1
if objdrive.isready then
'continue statement here
select case 2
case 2
with HTABox("#F2F2F2", 115, 300, 700, 400)
.document.title = "Waiting..."
.msg.innerHTML = "Waiting for playable media...<b>"
end with
function HTABox(sBgColor, h, w, l, t)
randomize : nRnd = Int(1000000 * rnd)
sCmd = "mshta.exe ""javascript:{new " _
& "ActiveXObject(""InternetExplorer.Application"")" _
& ".PutProperty('" & nRnd & "',window);" _
& "window.resizeTo(" & w & "," & h & ");" _
& "window.moveTo(" & l & "," & t & ")}"""
with CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
.Run sCmd, 1, False
do until .AppActivate("javascript:{new ") : WSH.sleep 10 : loop
end with ' WSHShell
For Each IE In CreateObject("Shell.Application").windows
If IsObject(IE.GetProperty(nRnd)) Then
set HTABox = IE.GetProperty(nRnd)
HTABox.document.title = "Waiting"
HTABox.document.write _
"<HTA:Application contextMenu=no border=thin " _
& "minimizebutton=no maximizebutton=no sysmenu=no />" _
& "<body scroll=no style='background-color:" _
& sBgColor & ";font:normal 10pt Arial;" _
& "border-Style:normal;border-Width:0px'" _
& "onbeforeunload='vbscript:if (done.value or cancel.value) then " _
& "window.event.cancelBubble=false:" _
& "window.event.returnValue=false:" _
& "cancel.value=false: done.value=false:end if'>" _
& "<input type=hidden id=done value=false>" _
& "<input type=hidden id=cancel value=false>" _
& "<center><span id=msg> </span><br>" _
& " <center><input type=button id=btn1 value=Cancel
' "_
& "onclick=self.close><center></body>"
exit function
End If
MsgBox "HTA window not found."
End Function
end select
end select
else if objdrive.drivetype = 1 then
else if objdrive.drivetype = 2 then
else if objdrive.drivetype = 3 then
else if objdrive.drivetype = 5 then
end if