我正在尝试让脚本在 csv 文件的每一列上运行。我已经想出了如何告诉 python 我想在哪一列上运行脚本,但我希望它分析第一列,输出结果,移动到第二列并继续遍历文件。我想要的是一个“if etc goto etc”命令。我已经找到了如何使用简单的 oneliners 来做到这一点,但我有一个更大的脚本。任何帮助都会很棒,因为我确定我只是错过了一些东西。就像我可以循环回到我定义数据的位置(h=data)但告诉它选择下一列。这是我的脚本。
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pylab import *
import pylab
from scipy import linalg
import sys
import scipy.interpolate as interpolate
import scipy.optimize as optimize
a=raw_input("Data file name? ") #Name of the data file including the directory, must be .csv
datafile = open(a, 'r')
data = []
for row in datafile:
data.append(row.strip().split(',')) #opening and organizing the csv file
print('Data points= ', len(data))
print data
c=raw_input("Is there a header row? y/n?") #Remove header line if present
if c is ('y'):
del data[0]
print('Raw data= ', data2)
print('Raw data= ', data)
#if I wanted to select a column
b=input("What column to analyze?") #Asks what column depth data is in
if b is 1:
h=[[rowa[i] for rowa in data] for i in range(1)] #first row
h=data # all columns
g=reduce(lambda x,y: x+y,h) #prepares data for calculations
a=map(float, g)
print ('Organized data= ',a)
def GRLC(values):
Calculate Gini index, Gini coefficient, Robin Hood index, and points of
Lorenz curve based on the instructions given in
Lorenz curve values as given as lists of x & y points [[x1, x2], [y1, y2]]
@param values: List of values
@return: [Gini index, Gini coefficient, Robin Hood index, [Lorenz curve]]
n = len(values)
assert(n > 0), 'Empty list of values'
sortedValues = sorted(values) #Sort smallest to largest
#Find cumulative totals
cumm = [0]
for i in range(n):
cumm.append(sum(sortedValues[0:(i + 1)]))
#Calculate Lorenz points
LorenzPoints = [[], []]
sumYs = 0 #Some of all y values
robinHoodIdx = -1 #Robin Hood index max(x_i, y_i)
for i in range(1, n + 2):
x = 100.0 * (i - 1)/n
y = 100.0 * (cumm[i - 1]/float(cumm[n]))
sumYs += y
maxX_Y = x - y
if maxX_Y > robinHoodIdx: robinHoodIdx = maxX_Y
giniIdx = 100 + (100 - 2 * sumYs)/n #Gini index
return [giniIdx, giniIdx/100, robinHoodIdx, LorenzPoints]
result = GRLC(a)
print 'Gini Index', result[0]
print 'Gini Coefficient', result[1]
print 'Robin Hood Index', result[2]