A schema is a logical group of objects. These objects can be views, tables, indexes, sequences, functions, sotred procedures, etc. Each of these objects has a different set of privileges: table has select, insert, delete and others; stored procedure has the execution and others; etc. It means that every single object has different types of privileges, and you cannot get "all privilegesfor a given schema", you have to give the type of object.
For example, in order to get the privileges on tables for a given schema, you can execute
db2 "
select substr(GRANTEE,1,16),GRANTEETYPE,substr(tabschema || '.' || tabname,1,64),
from syscat.TABAUTH
where tabschema like 'MYSCHEMA%'"
Each kind of object that a table in syscat schema that contains the privileges for that kind of object. You just have to query the table.
In a similar way, you can create the appropiated sentences in order to grant or revoke privileges on an object
select 'grant select on ' || trim(tabschema) || '.' || trim(tabname) ' to user johndoe'
from syscat.tables
where tabschema like 'MYSCHE%'
Finally, there are not only privileges (grants) on db2, there are also database level authorities, and some of them have privileges on all objects.