我正在尝试将表单数据传递到 ColdFusion 组件中。我使用 ajax get 请求加载表单,然后填写表单,然后点击提交按钮将表单数据传递到 cfc。问题是 ajax 帖子第一次抛出错误,但表单数据被加载到 URL 中。当我再次点击提交时,它工作正常。如果我在第一次提交后更改表单数据,那么我会得到同样的错误。这里发生了什么?
$(document).on('submit', 'form#update',function() {
$linkName = $('#update').find('#linkName').val();
$linkURL = $('#update').find('#linkURL').val();
$linkInfo = $('#update').find('#linkDesc').val();
$numOfLinks = $('.linkSection').length;
if ($numOfLinks > 0){
// Here the sub link names and urls put into an array
$subLinkName = [];
$subLinkURL = [];
$('.linkSection').each(function(index, element) {
$data = {linkName: $linkName, linkURL: $linkURL, linkID : $linkID, linkDescription : $linkInfo, subLinkNames : $subLinkName, subLinkURLs : $subLinkURL};
// Optionally, you could put the name and url in the array object here but not sure which is better to do
//$subLink =[];
//$('.linkSection').each(function(index, element) {
$data = {linkName: $linkName, linkURL: $linkURL, linkID : $linkID, linkDescription : $linkInfo};
//Uncomment to check the data being sent
type: "POST",
url: "/webapps/WebServices/RMSI/rmsi.cfc?method=UpdateRegularLink",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
data: JSON.stringify($data),
//dataType: "json",
beforeSend: function() {
$('#response').css({margin:'20px', padding: '20px', backgroundColor:'#f5f5f5'}).append('<h2>Server Response:</h2><br />');;
error: function(data,status,error){
alert(data+': '+status+': '+error);
}).done(function(apiResponse) {
$( "#response" ).append( apiResponse );
<cffunction name="UpdateRegularLink" access="remote" returntype="any">
<!--- ***********************************************************************************
' 10/03/2013 - Kudos to E. Grosskurth for figuring this out. When passing arrays of
' Json data we don't need defined parameters. The getHttpRequestData().content function
' pulls all of the FORM.variables without having to use arguments. The
' deserializeJSON function turns our comma delimited lists into CF arrays. -TE
' ********************************************************************************** --->
<cfset params = toString( getHttpRequestData().content ) />
<!--- deserialize the request data, so that we can access the individual arguments --->
<cfset args = #deserializeJSON(params)# />
<!--- set a base path to wherever our application lies --->
<cfset bPath = "e:\webapps\NRCNewsApps\rmsi" />
<!--- Pull back, and parse, our existing xml file --->
<cffile action="read" file="#bPath#\xml\nav.xml" variable="myxml">
<cfset thedoc = XmlParse(myxml)>
<!--- Search for the specific node we need to modify. This is our top level info. --->
<cfset arynode = XmlSearch(thedoc, "/webpages/course[ @id = '#args.linkID#' ]") />
<cfset xmlCourse = arynode[1] />
<!--- Update the top level information about the link --->
<cfset arynode[1].linkName.xmlText = "#args.linkName#" />
<cfset arynode[1].link.xmlText = "#args.linkURL#" />
<cfset arynode[1].linkInfo.xmlText = "#args.linkDescription#" />
<!--- Find out if there are sublinks --->
<cfif structKeyExists(xmlCourse, "subLink")>
<cfset slNode = XMLSearch(xmlCourse, "subLink") />
<cfloop from = "1" to="#arrayLen(slNode)#" index="i">
<cfset slNode[i].name.xmlText = "#args.subLinkNames[i]#" />
<cfdump var="#thedoc#" />
<cfabort />