I need to display the the current time in the Central Timzone, reguardless of the client's local timezone, and to do that I need to know if the Central timezone is at UTC-6 or UTC-5
What is the best way to handle daylight savings in Javascript?
I need to display the the current time in the Central Timzone, reguardless of the client's local timezone, and to do that I need to know if the Central timezone is at UTC-6 or UTC-5
What is the best way to handle daylight savings in Javascript?
在检查了这篇文章后,我最终在服务器上执行此操作并将其传递给客户端: 夏令时和时区最佳实践
Never trust client datetime. It may very well be incorrect.
首先,您需要一个实现 IANA 时区数据库的 JavaScript 库。我在这里列出了其中的几个。
美国中部时间的 IANA 区域名称是America/Chicago
如果您只想知道该区域的当前时间,并且适当地应用了 DST,那么所有这些库都将某种形式作为其主要用例。
var nowInCentralTime = moment().tz("America/Chicago");
var stringToOuput = nowInCentralTime.format("LLL");
如果你想知道这是否是 DST,你可以这样做:
var centralIsInDST = nowInCentralTime.isDST();
var zone,
z1 = new Date(2013, 0, 1).getTimezoneOffset(),
z2 = new Date(2013, 5, 1).getTimezoneOffset();
if (z2 < z1) // northern hemisphere
zone = z1;
else // southern hemisphere
zone = z2;