这就是我在 SQL 中尝试做的事情:
SELECT * from table1
LEFT join table2
ON table1.code = table2.code
WHERE table2.code IS NULL
它会导致所有 table1 行没有连接到 table2。
在加入一个字段时,我可以使用 Linq,但我有联系人记录可以加入名字、出生日期和号码。
var queryable = from staging in linq.mdo_staging_contactSet
join contact in linq.ContactSet
on staging.mdo_code equals contact.mdo_code
into contactGroup
from contact in contactGroup.DefaultIfEmpty()
// all staging records are selected, even if I put a where clause here
select new Contact
// import sequence number is set to null if the staging contact joined to the default contact, which has in id of null
ImportSequenceNumber = (contactContactId == null) ? new int?(subImportNo) : null,
/* other fields get populated */
return queryable // This is all staging Contacts, the below expressions product only the new Contacts
.AsEnumerable() // Cannot use the below query on IQuerable
.Where(contact => contact.ImportSequenceNumber != null); // ImportSequenceNumber is null for existing Contacts, and not null for new Contacts
我发现的替代方案更糟,涉及使用 newRecords.Except(existingRecords),但使用 IEnumerables;有没有更好的办法?