import numpy as np
import random
def rand_data(integ):
Function that generates 'integ' random values between [0.,1.)
rand_dat = [random.random() for _ in range(integ)]
return rand_dat
def weighted_dist(indx, x_coo, y_coo):
Function that calculates *weighted* euclidean distances.
dist_point_list = []
# Iterate through every point in array_2.
for indx2, x_coo2 in enumerate(array_2[0]):
y_coo2 = array_2[1][indx2]
# Weighted distance in x.
x_dist_weight = (x_coo-x_coo2)/w_data[0][indx]
# Weighted distance in y.
y_dist_weight = (y_coo-y_coo2)/w_data[1][indx]
# Weighted distance between point from array_1 passed and this point
# from array_2.
dist = np.sqrt(x_dist_weight**2 + y_dist_weight**2)
# Append weighted distance value to list.
dist_point_list.append(round(dist, 8))
return dist_point_list
# Generate random x,y data points.
array_1 = np.array([rand_data(10), rand_data(10)], dtype=float)
# Generate weights for each x,y coord for points in array_1.
w_data = np.array([rand_data(10), rand_data(10)], dtype=float)
# Generate second larger array.
array_2 = np.array([rand_data(100), rand_data(100)], dtype=float)
# Obtain *weighted* distances for every point in array_1 to every point in array_2.
dist = []
# Iterate through every point in array_1.
for indx, x_coo in enumerate(array_1[0]):
y_coo = array_1[1][indx]
# Call function to get weighted distances for this point to every point in
# array_2.
dist.append(weighted_dist(indx, x_coo, y_coo))