I am still on the "design" part of my app and have decided to use Ember.js as front-end, Sinatra and MongoDB as back-end and my question is as follows:

I want to use Sinatra and MongoDB merely to give Ember.js persistence, so how would I go about authentication and authorization? Should I use an specific gem or should I write auth from scratch?

The app will have the classic CRUD operations.

I also considered if whether or not do I need Sinatra at all or I can just connect Ember.js directly to MongoDB and whether or not that would be a good idea (if even possible).



1 回答 1


你可能确实需要 Sinatra。您也许可以直接连接到 Mongo,但这可能就像拔牙一样才能使其正常工作。使用 Sinatra 按摩数据服务器端可能会更容易。

对于身份验证,您可以查看 ember-auth:http ://ember-auth.herokuapp.com/docs

于 2013-10-10T02:45:45.880 回答