我找到了一个将 csv 文件与 linq 连接起来的库。我理解了这些原则,并且我的代码运行良好。但我对大 csv 文件有一些问题。
现在我想从我的 _dataTable 对象访问特定的单个项目。我得到它们是这样的:
public class CsvFile
private IEnumerable<DataRow> _dataTable = cc.Read<DataRow>(_filePath, _inputFileDescription);
public string GetItem(int row, int column)
return _dataTable.ElementAt<DataRow>(row).ElementAt<DataRowItem>(column).Value;
CsvFile file1 = new CsvFile("C:\\dev_csvcompare\\Master.csv", ';', true);
for(int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
string dummy = file1.GetItem(1, i); //Does not make sense, my loop is a bit more complicated
它变得非常慢,因为 IEnumerable 每次调用都会打开流。
在“延迟阅读”下的文档(链接)中,他们说我可以使用 foreach 循环访问可枚举的“_dataTable”(这确实工作正常),但在我的情况下这是没有选择的,因为我想访问 csv 中的特定项目.
编辑(我的代码,也许很多废话,我对 .net、c# 和 oop 没有那么经验):
public void Compare(int key1, int key2, int col1, int col2)
string lastKeyCol1 = null;
string lastKeyCol2 = null;
List<string> sortedKeyColFile1 = new List<string>();
List<string> sortedKeyColFile2 = new List<string>();
int file1counter = 0;
int file2counter = 0;
int cnt = 0;
sortedKeyColFile1 = _file1.GetCol(key1);
sortedKeyColFile2 = _file2.GetCol(key2);
while ((file1counter < sortedKeyColFile1.Count) || (file2counter < sortedKeyColFile2.Count))
_outputList.Add(new OutputValues(key1, key2, col1, col2));
//Keys are in both files
if (sortedKeyColFile1[file1counter] == sortedKeyColFile2[file2counter])
if (lastKeyCol1 == sortedKeyColFile1[file1counter])
//Keys are redundant
_outputList[cnt].RedundantKeyF1 = true;
if (lastKeyCol2 == sortedKeyColFile2[file2counter])
//Keys are redundant
_outputList[cnt].RedundantKeyF2 = true;
lastKeyCol1 = sortedKeyColFile1[file1counter];
lastKeyCol2 = sortedKeyColFile2[file2counter];
_outputList[cnt].ValF1 = _file1.GetItem(file1counter, col1);
_outputList[cnt].ValF2 = _file2.GetItem(file2counter, col2);
_outputList[cnt].LineNumF1 = file1counter;
_outputList[cnt].LineNumF2 = file2counter;
//compare the values (because keys do match at this place)
_outputList[cnt].CompareResult = CompareString(_file1.GetItem(file1counter, col1), _file2.GetItem(file2counter, col2));
if (file1counter < sortedKeyColFile1.Count)
if (file2counter < sortedKeyColFile2.Count)
//Key sortedKeyColFile2[file2counter] is not in file 1
else if (file2counter < sortedKeyColFile2.Count && 0 < (string.Compare(sortedKeyColFile1[file1counter], sortedKeyColFile2[file2counter])))
_outputList[cnt].LineNumF2 = file2counter;
if (lastKeyCol2 == sortedKeyColFile2[file2counter])
//Keys are redundant
_outputList[cnt].RedundantKeyF2 = true;
lastKeyCol2 = sortedKeyColFile2[file2counter];
//Key sortedKeyColFile1[file1counter] is not in file 2
else if (file1counter < sortedKeyColFile1.Count)
_outputList[cnt].LineNumF1 = file1counter;
if (lastKeyCol1 == sortedKeyColFile1[file1counter])
//Keys are redundant
_outputList[cnt].RedundantKeyF1 = true;
lastKeyCol1 = sortedKeyColFile1[file1counter];
//And here the important part of the csv-file class, maybe not so interesting
public class CsvFile
private string _filePath = null;
private char _separator = ',';
private bool _hasHeader = true;
private CsvContext _cc = null;
private CsvFileDescription _inputFileDescription = null;
private List<string> _headers = null;
private IEnumerable<DataRow> _dataTable = null;
/// <summary>
/// Constructor for a new CsvFile object.
/// The Constructor initiates the Object and read the values out of the File
/// </summary>
/// <param name="filePath">Full path of the csv-file</param>
/// <param name="separator">Seperator of the csv-file, eg: ';' or ',' or '\t'</param>
/// <param name="hasHeader">Is true if the first col of the csv-file contains a headers</param>
public CsvFile(string filePath, char separator, bool hasHeader = true)
//Throws an exception if something is wrong with the file
_filePath = filePath;
_separator = separator;
_hasHeader = hasHeader;
_cc = new CsvContext();
_inputFileDescription = new CsvFileDescription
SeparatorChar = separator,
FirstLineHasColumnNames = hasHeader
_dataTable = _cc.Read<DataRow>(_filePath, _inputFileDescription);
if (hasHeader)
public List<string> GetCol(int col)
List<string> column = new List<string>();
int cnt = 0;
foreach(DataRow x in _dataTable)
return column;
private void ParseHeaders()
System.IO.StreamReader file = new System.IO.StreamReader(_filePath);
if (!file.EndOfStream)
//_headers = file.ReadLine().Split(_separator);
_headers = new List<string> (file.ReadLine().Split(_separator));