For my app i have an online mySQL (with InnoDB) Database, but it's a bit slow and user experience is not the best. I need data into my app, ready to use.
To to this i want to create a "cache" of my dataBase downloaded on the device. So i have to use Core Data. But how can i download all data and put it with the correct structure in the Core Data db? Are there other way to have an "offline cache", or i have to manually recreate the structure and populate the Core Data with the element downloaded from my DB? Thanks!


1 回答 1


如果您已经直接使用 MySQL,您可能应该直接使用 SQLite,而不是切换到 Core Data。尽管 SQLite 与 MySQL 并不完全相同,但它比 Core Data 更接近它。您仍然在说 SQL,仍然在关系数据库中直接使用表等。除非您有其他令人信服的理由这样做,否则我不建议在这种情况下切换到 Core Data。

于 2013-10-09T23:09:03.177 回答