有什么方法可以在一个 JSP 文件中声明一个 Java 对象的实例,并在另一个 JSP 文件中调用这个实例?
例如:在 1.jsp 中:
Obj o = new Obj();
在 2.jsp 中:
<@%include file = "1.jsp">
Obj o= new Obj();
request.setAttribute("myCreatedObject" , o );
Obj myObj = (Obj)request.getAttribute("myCreatedObject");
考虑除请求之外的其他上下文,例如会话、页面 - 它就像变量范围。
You should defining the java object as Bean in JSP. The Bean in JSP can be defined using :- < jsp:useBean..> standard jsp tag. And set and get property using < jsp:setProperty..> and < jsp:getProperty..> standard jsp tags.And then you can use the Object as well as share between jsp pages.